sábado, 11 de julio de 2020

Blog 6: Postgraduate Studies

I have no idea if I’m going to keep studying after I finish this, I’ve never been the kind of person that loves to study, but I like to learn (I don’t know if that makes sense). If I were to study something after finishing Social Work, I would probably study something related to psycho-pedagogy. I’ve always thought that that is a really interesting field and when I was in school I was really invested in this. It could be that or a master in gender studies. I also like literature, but it’s not that related to what I’m currently studying and with what I want to do with my life, but I really enjoy it. So, as I mentioned, it’s not in my plans but I don’t rule out to continuing to study either.  

I would love to study abroad, I think it would be great, but honestly it’s not a must for me, because even when I would like to travel to other countries and know other cultures, It’s not necessary in my plans to do it because of something related with studies. However, if someday I actually study abroad, I think I would like to go to Finland or Norway.

I think that the best way for me to learn, it would be in a traditional way, similar to the way we studied when there wasn’t a pandemic virus. I feel that studying any field “in person” is easier and better. If it isn’t that, a blended system would be okay too. 

2 comentarios:

  1. It does make sense that you like to learn and not study! especially with subjects like sociological theory haha<3

  2. Me too, I don't know if I will continue studying xd. Psychopedagogy is a very beautiful career, it would be a good choice.
