sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

Blog 5: My future job

To be honest, I’m not really sure of what path I want to take just yet, I have some ideas but nothing concrete, since there’s a lot of different things that I’m interested in. At the moment I have my eye in two general fields, they are diversity and gender, and social reintegration. I’ve always felt drawn to the last one. However, there’s other things that I also enjoy, such as doing research (I find out about that last year) and honestly I’ve always wanted to work in something related to health care, but I was too bad at biology, that’s why I couldn’t pick a career that was more related to that, but I still feel that with Social Work I can, somehow, archive it.

I don’t really care if the job is outdoors or indoors, I enjoy working in teams and with people, but I wouldn’t like to be a social worker in a university and do that kind of job (no offence tho, I just think I would get bored).

In terms of traveling, I haven’t go to that many places and I would like to visit different countries, but I think I would rather leave that to be just for the pleasure of knowing other cultures and landscapes. Nonetheless, if I ever get to travel because of a job, I wouldn’t mind.

When it comes to salary, I would love to say that I really don’t care how much they pay me, but I do. Sadly, we live in a society where money is really important. I don’t want to have a lot of it, but just enough to have a good life, and even when money definitely isn’t why I am studying Social Work (that would be stupid), I still would like to make a decent amount of it.    

The reason why I’m studying Social Work is because I want to make a change in the society and try to understand it. I feel that my perspective in the world has changed so much ever since I joined the career, and I’m glad that happened. I’ve learned more than ever before and honestly, I can’t wait to be a social worker. Currently I’m very interested in diversity and gender topics, more than anything else. Even when sometimes the career itself gets difficult and challenging, I truly feel it’s worth it.

5 comentarios:

  1. it is difficult to find a future job hopefully the next one will contribute!

  2. It is very rewarding when you feel that despite the difficulty what you study is really worth it!

  3. I trust that you will do everything that you propose! You have the transformer spirit and energy for do it!

  4. This inspire me! i like your views of this job.

  5. Any subject can be learned, I hope you can achieve your goals.
