sábado, 27 de junio de 2020

Blog 4: Books

At the beginning I thought about writing about a fantasy book, because they are usually my favorites, but at the end, I decided to go for another one. The first time that I read this book was in school, when I was in 3th senior, and I’ve loved it ever since. I´m talking about “Tengo miedo torero” by Pedro Lemebel.
This is a really special love story between the main characters, “Loca Del Frente” and Carlos. It is set in the 80’s in the middle of the dictatorship. This book has so many elements that are great, but I really wouldn’t like to spoil anything. 

As I mentioned before, I loved this book ever since I read it for the first time on 2017. I liked that Lemebel was able of mixing real milestones that occurred in history, with fiction. And the great thing is that he managed to do it in a crude but comical way (no really a spoiler, but the part where he describes Pinochet’s birthday party and what happened after the attack to him in 1986, was great).
I honestly think that this book isn’t for everybody, but if you like history and the satires of it, I highly recommend it.

But I wouldn’t stop there, this author has a great books, even when this one is his only novel. I also recommend “Adiós mariquita linda”, “Háblame de amores” and “La esquina es mi corazón”. Also, if you ever get the opportunity, you should see the play “La ciudad sin ti” where four actors represent some of Lemebel’s stories, they worked along with him and it was released on August 21, 2015. Sadly, Pedro didn’t have the opportunity to watch the staging, as he died earlier that same year.

I really enjoy reading his book, and if you haven’t, you should give it a try, I promise it’s worth it.

4 comentarios:

  1. lemebel is a great writer although he has been accused of improper things!

  2. I also read this amazing book in the school, even i thought write about it, but i knew that you going to use for your blog! <3

  3. god, I cant believe that at least three of us write about this novel, it is simply beautiful
