domingo, 26 de julio de 2020

Blog 8: Personal opinions

I’ll give my opinion about tattoos, legalizing marihuana and other drugs, “mechoneo” and abortion. I chose this four topics because I feel that those are the ones that I know most about or that I can write most about without doing a previous research.

I’ll start with tattoos. I love them. Ever since I was a child I have wanted to get one, and early this year I finally got it. I think that people should be able to have as many tattoos as they want and still be able to work in whatever they want. I mention this because there’s kind of a stereotype about people with a lot of them and I think that’s stupid.

The second topic is legalizing marihuana and other drugs. I think it would be okay to legalize them. I honestly never got why alcohol and cigarettes are legal, but marihuana isn’t. I honestly don’t know much about this, but I read the teachers blog and it made a lot of sense, I never thought about what it could be done with taxes obtained from drugs, but it’s a good idea to use them in education and rehab programs (although I think it’s kind of utopic).

The next one is “mechoneo”. When I was little, I was scared of the moment in which I would have to go to university, because they always showed in the news or other places the experience of the “mechones”, covered in eggs, flour and other things. I never liked that, but last year (my first year in university), we had a welcome “Mechona” (???) and it was quite good. Everyone was nice and we did activities with our godparents from second year. I think that was a good welcoming to a new (and sometimes scary) experience.

Finally, I would legalize abortion in every case, not just some cases (Three Causal law). I think that not everyone is made to be a parent and if you don’t want to have kids, you shouldn’t. I could give a larger explanation here, but I don’t feel that’s necessary.

miércoles, 15 de julio de 2020

Blog 7: Animated Disney character

Today I’m going to write about my favorite Disney princess, Tiana from “The Princess and The Frog”. Tiana is a hard-working woman that wants to fulfill her long term dream of owning a restaurant. When she was a little girl, she used to cook with her father, until he passed away, ever since that time she has been working a lot to achieve this.
This story takes place in New Orleans, specifically in the time of the year where Mardi Gras is celebrated. Her best friend is Charlotte La Bouff, she is the princess of this parade and very rich, but what she wants the most is to become a real princess, that’s why she’s so excited that Prince Naveen is coming to town, and that is the reason why she is throwing a party.

Prince Naveen is an arrogant, selfish, ambitious person. To give him a lesson, his parents aren’t giving him money anymore and when he arrives to New Orleans he is intercepted by Dr. Facilier also known as The Shadow Man. He tricks the prince and he ends up transforming into a frog. 

Naveen arrives at the previously mentioned party (as a frog) and after some things happen, Tiana kisses him, because he thought that she was a princess and that she could break the spell, just like in books. But Tiana wasn’t a princess and she ends up becoming a frog too.
I really love this movie and the characters in it. I think that I like Tiana because even when at the end she stays with Naveen and becomes a princess, that was never her goal in life and she actually had something that she was really passionate about. She didn’t wait for someone to get it for her, she worked hard for it and at the end of the story she got it (despite the difficulties that she had). Also, she has actual development as a character, unlike other princess, such as Aurora from Sleeping Beauty and Snow White. I think I chose her because I really wanted to write about the movie itself. I like the atmosphere of it and it’s developed in New Orleans, a place that I would love to visit and I hope doing it one day. 

Tiana also has an historical importance, since she is the first African-American Disney princess to ever exist. I wrote a little about the movie plot because I thought it was important to put her character in context.  

sábado, 11 de julio de 2020

Blog 6: Postgraduate Studies

I have no idea if I’m going to keep studying after I finish this, I’ve never been the kind of person that loves to study, but I like to learn (I don’t know if that makes sense). If I were to study something after finishing Social Work, I would probably study something related to psycho-pedagogy. I’ve always thought that that is a really interesting field and when I was in school I was really invested in this. It could be that or a master in gender studies. I also like literature, but it’s not that related to what I’m currently studying and with what I want to do with my life, but I really enjoy it. So, as I mentioned, it’s not in my plans but I don’t rule out to continuing to study either.  

I would love to study abroad, I think it would be great, but honestly it’s not a must for me, because even when I would like to travel to other countries and know other cultures, It’s not necessary in my plans to do it because of something related with studies. However, if someday I actually study abroad, I think I would like to go to Finland or Norway.

I think that the best way for me to learn, it would be in a traditional way, similar to the way we studied when there wasn’t a pandemic virus. I feel that studying any field “in person” is easier and better. If it isn’t that, a blended system would be okay too.