lunes, 25 de mayo de 2020

Blog 2: Best concert ever

In my life I’ve been to a fair amount of concerts (Bruno Mars, One Direction, among others). The one that this blog is about is the most recent one. It was at Movistar Arena, on May 25, 2018. I’m talking about Harry Styles. First I’m going to write some important facts about him and his life and then narrate the experience of the concert.

Harry was born on February 1, 1994. When he was 7 years old, he moved to Holmes Chapel, Cheshire and he lived there until he was 16. In 2010 he auditioned for the show The X Factor with the song “Isn’t she lovely” by Stevie Wonder. He was able to be there for a while, but in the end he didn’t make it through and that’s when the judges put him and other 4 guys together and created One Direction to compete as a band. They landed in third place.

As you may notice, I’m a fan of the band (since 2012) so of course, when they went on a “hiatus” (more like a break up, if you ask me), I was devastated. But seeing as the things turned out, I think it was for the best. All of them seem to be way more comfortable than when they ever were in the band. And the music that they are releasing is more of their personal style, which is great (I still love One Direction tho).

When Harry went as a solo artist, I knew I was going to like his music, then he released his first single “Sign of the times” and I was right. I loved it. So when I heard that he was coming here, I started raising money to buy a ticket. In the end I went with my mom, that is super supportive in this kind of stuff and it was a great concert. The songs were on point, especially my favorite one “From the dining table”, where the atmosphere was peaceful and quiet (which is rare in an event like this one). In general, all the people that was there was having a great time and the concert was full of acceptance and love, the rainbow created by lights (and thanks to the coordination and organization of the fan club) was breathtaking. Without doubts, one of the best days of my life.
I remember that after the concert, when we arrived home, my mom and I shared a pizza and watched a movie (Juno), it was great. 

martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Blog 1: A country I’d like to visit

If I could visit any place in the world it would be Finland. This country it’s also known as “The land of a thousand lakes”, this is because it has around 188.000 lakes. It’s also known because they have one of the best education systems in the world. I’ve wanted to go to Finland since 2016, when a friend of mine had the opportunity to visit it, when she came back to Chile, she showed me a lot of pictures from beautiful places. I would love to go there not just because of the culture, but also because of the landscapes that you can appreciate, such as the northern lights in Lapland. Adding to this, it’s that I really like cold weather and Finland it’s always coldish. Actually, in summer, the highest temperature its 21°C, which is perfect.  

If I’m being honest, I would like to do anything there, from just visiting, to studying and eventually working. However, I’m not sure if I would live there, because I think I’d miss my family too much.

Anyway, if I ever have the chance to go there the first thing that I’d do it would definitely be visiting the place that I mentioned early, Lapland. There you can also find the Arctic Circle, where Santa Claus Village is located.